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  • Tittle: Applying for Permanent Residence and Naturalization without an Agency License Will Be Fined
  • UpdateDate: 2023.02.20      
Recently, when the Specialized Operation Corps. of the National Immigration Agency was performing an online inspection, they discovered some new residents without an agency license who considered applying for permanent residence and naturalization for others as a means to make money. To do so, they posted the message of "Charge for Permanent Residence and Naturalization application" in Vietnamese on a Vietnamese Facebook group. They even invited old customers to leave messages of recommendations or posted successful cases to attract Vietnamese people, both of which violate the Enforcement Regulations of the Immigration Act and are subject to fines by the National Immigration Agency according to regulations. According to the National Immigration Agency, immigration business consists of residence certificates, permanent residency for naturalization, permanent residence, and naturalization, all of which are regulated in the chartered industry. Establishing a “company” and acquiring a permit from the National Immigration Agency is necessary to provide services related to immigration business. In other words, those who do not have an agency permit are not allowed to publish posts or advertisements about providing immigration-related services or solicit the aforementioned immigration businesses. If illegal behavior is found and proven to be true, a fine of NTD$200,000 to NTD$1 million will be imposed per violation. The National Immigration Agency stated that all municipalities, counties, and cities have set up service stations that are in charge of the applications for residence, permanent residency for naturalization, and permanent residence of foreigners. A consultation hotline has also been established to provide dedicated consultation service. After new residents come to Taiwan, they can choose to apply for the certificates under the company of the family members or in person at the service counter. If such language interpretation service as Vietnamese or Indonesian is required, on-site interpreters can provide consultation and guidance services. Furthermore, people who are unable to apply for the immigration business at the service stations and would like to seek agency services can visit the official website of the National Immigration Agency to check the list of legal immigration agencies. Please also remember to ask and compare agencies to protect your consumer rights before signing any contract.